Set in the midst of the the Vindhyachal hill ranges, the Singhpur Palace is located at a distance of 4 kilometres from Chanderi. This three-storeyed structure was built under the orders of Devi Singh Bundela in the year 1656 and served as a hunting rest house. Near the palace is a pond which was built by Malik Haiwat Nizam in 1433 during the reign of Hoshung Shah Ghori. Thick forest and the nearby lake make it an ideal place of retreat.
Archive for May, 2010
The Kirti Durg was first constructed by the 11th century Pratihara king Kirti Pal and is named after him. The structure we see today is not the original fort, it has been rebuilt several times and added to by subsequent rulers like the Mahmood Khilji, Durjan Singh Bundela and others. Built on the highest point of the Chandragiri Hill, the fort is a characteristic sight in Chanderi and is visible from virtually every point in the town and beyond.
The Jama Masjid, with a capacity of holding over 2000 persons at the time of prayer, is the largest and the oldest mosque in Chanderi and possibly all of Bundelkhand. The foundations of this impressive monument were laid when Chanderi came under the control of the Delhi Sultanate following the taking of the city by Ghyasuddin Balban.
The founding of this temple is interlinked with the lore of founding of modern Chanderi, when the Pratihara king Kirtipal is said to have witnessed the Miracle of Water. Although no inscription has been found to corroborate the date of its foundation, certain elements of the temple appear to belong to the 11th and possibly earlier centuries.
Approached by the Chanderi Mongawali road, situated near the Jama Masjid, in the Andar Shehar or Inner City, this site is under the protection of the Archaeological Survey of India. Although the tombs are referred to as those of the family members of Hazrat Nizamuddin, more accurately these belong to the followers of the Chishtia Nizamia sect.