This mazaar is located to the south of the town, near Chakla Bawdi and is the burial place of the saint Hazrat Ismaeel, spiritual guide to the renowned Khwaja Khanoon of Gwalior. Besides Hazrat Ismaeel, also to be found within the campus are the tombs of his father and grandfather. The mazaar continues to be a place of spiritual fulfilment for his followers.
Archive for May, 2010
This monument, built in 1642 commemorates the Bundela Maharaja Bharat Shah and marks the spot where he was cremated. Built near the Parmeshwar Pond, the structure is octagonal in plan with sandstone walls crowned by a dome. Essentially of just one storey, the eaves on the outside are designed to make it appear double storeyed. Each alternate face of the second storey is relieved by a projecting balcony.
Built in 1663, this chhatri is similar to that of Maharaja Bharat Shah but is smaller in dimensions. With eaves at two levels, the building appears, on the outside, to have three storeys but inside it is just one structure. Interestingly, three wall faces out of the eight are decorated with mosque-like arches and even carved with verses from the Holy Quran. These were possibly meant for his Muslim subjects for them to offer prayers for his soul on his death anniversaries.
Alam Giri mosques, called so because they were built during the reign of Aurangzeb or Alamgir are ten in number. Scattered throughout the town, these are modest, single storeyed structures with only three arches in the main building with a courtyard in front. Distinctly different from the Khilji period structures, the mosques are interestingly decorated with figures of flowerpots and what appears to be a huqqa.