About Chanderi

Ahmadnagar Sultan Tomb,ChanderiBahadur Nizam Shah of the Ahmadnagar Sultanate was a minor when in 1600 Emperor Akbar’s son Prince Danyal attacked Ahmadnagar and imprisoned the entire royal family. Bahadur Nizam Shah spent practically all his life in the Gwalior prison and even died there. Upon his death in 1698, his body was being taken for burial in Ahmadnagar but it had to be buried at Chanderi.

Situated on the Chanderi Mungaoli road, near the Jama Masjid, this mausoleum is built in the Mughal style. Square in plan, the structure has four pillars on each of the four sides supporting a domed superstructure.

The tomb of Saint Sheikh Raji’s wife, which is built upon the Chakla Bawdi is the only other tomb in Chanderi built in the Mughal style.

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